Friday, October 31, 2008
How To Plan A Dream Wedding
Great organization is the key concept if you wonder how to plan a dream wedding. First of all, the most complex and and most important thing of all is the budget. You really have to have a definite plan in mind when it comes to cost checking. There are plenty of materials available online that will teach you how to plan a dream wedding; one such site is where you'll find lots of tips on how to plan a dream wedding. Let's start by saying that the checklist is a must have item of any planner, without it, something may easily be left out and discovered only at the very last minute. So, let's get to work!
Thus, we start the first part of the learn how to plan a dream wedding project by keeping a budget checklist that keeps you informed on where and what you spend your money on. You may either download a checklist from the Internet or create one of your own. The model I propose for you to learn how to plan a dream wedding includes a comparative representation of the budget and the real price you paid. Make two columns, on one you will have the item budget expressed and on the other the actual cost. This type of scheme will show you where you stand. Here is something more for you to learn how to plan a dream wedding.
The key to finding how to plan a dream wedding lies in answering some very basic questions. What is the overall budget? How many bridesmaids will there be? Where will the wedding take place? And the list of such questions could go on. All this information will bring you closer to the big day. How to plan a dream wedding should no longer be a problem if you turn to professional support, such as special companies that provide reception services. Practically, all the burden of how to plan a dream wedding would be taken off your shoulders, though, you'll be missing some points too.
Discovering how to plan a dream wedding may just be the way to feel closer than ever to your partner, your family and friends. After all, they are included in this complex equation. In some cases, besides the regular stuff you find in wedding guides, you may be after some special tinge of originality that nobody can teach you. Therefore, you can learn how to plan a dream wedding by yourself, taking the standard advice as a starting point and going further and using your imagination.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Planning A Wedding On A Tight Budget
The great bits about planning a wedding on a tight budget
It may not sound romantic at all but planning a wedding on a tight budget is a reality and sometimes more than 50% of the couples who want to throw a wedding party have to deal with it. However, planning a wedding on a tight budget doesn't mean that your wedding would be less an event, on the contrary, you can enjoy the most elegant, yet simplest ceremony of all, that would leave you memories for a life time. The important thing when planning a wedding on a tight budget is to make a strategy and stick to it, thus being perfectly capable of keeping costs under control.
When planning a wedding on a tight budget, always keep in mind that the following categories are the most expensive of all: site, food, beverage, reception, outfit, music, photography, decorations. Don't panic! There are lots of things that can be done in order to reduce the costs and save some extra cash. For instance, if you're planning a wedding on a tight budget, you need to be familiar with the do-it-yourself concept. By this, I refer to all those details that you and your family can take care of, without paying someone to get everything ready. Thus, planning a wedding on a tight budget brings the family closer together.
Among the best things of planning a wedding on a tight budget is that you'll have the family help you with decorations. Most of the couples who prefer planning a wedding on a tight budget think about how stylish and money-saving, home-made decorations can be. Lots of fashionable ideas can be found on the Internet, which can be then put into practice. A very resourceful site, you may want to take a look at is where you find great tips about how to choose the right location, the best flowers, especially when you're planning a wedding on a tight budget.
The invitations you send your guests can also be home-made, there is almost a trend to make them as personal as possible. As for dinner and the cake, these are crucial elements when discussing planning a wedding on a tight budget. Instead of a multi-layered cake you can have a delicious, very simple one. And since you're planning the wedding on a tight budget, it goes without saying that lobsters are a no-no for dinner. A great cook, who can even be a member of your family, could make some excellent traditional food for instance. Planning a wedding on a tight budget is a challenge and a joy at the same time, cherish every moment of it!
Posted by LEC at 6:36 AM
Friday, October 3, 2008
Planning The Perfect Wedding
Planning the perfect wedding is more easily said than done. Besides the regular stuff about location, music and outfit for instance, there are exquisite details that have to be dealt with before you call the event perfect. Let's take for example, the case of the guest wedding favors; they are highly important when you're planning the perfect wedding since you don't want to toss them aside at the end or know they get covered by dust in the attic. Among the many tips for planning a perfect wedding you'll find some about how to leave great memories to your guests too.
When planning the perfect wedding, you don't want to know your guest favor is another dust collector, therefore, you may want to try something that has a direct functional purpose. For instance you may choose a CD with favorite songs or a picture frame for instance. Even if you turn to a professional in the field, planning the perfect wedding still means that you choose the best way to express yourself. You can get involved in details such as inscribing napkins with your names in the colors you choose; the truth is that planning the perfect wedding means applying the most original ideas.
Planning the perfect wedding also means rehearsals of dinner and ceremony, you will have to talk to your friends and family to give you a helping hand in settling all the details. Rehearsals are also necessary for the hair style and the seating plan. With all the stress of selecting party favors, ordering rings, order invitations, response cards, and so on, you'll feel like planning the perfect wedding could be the challenge of your life. However, no matter how hard you try to succeed in planning the perfect wedding, you can't make it only by yourself, it is not such a bad idea to turn to family and friends for help when necessary.
There are plenty of guides for planning the perfect wedding that you will find online or in regular book shops. Their main advantage is that they cover all the possible details you couldn't have possibly thought of, plus they may provide suggestions on which you can go on planning the perfect wedding. Most guides for planning the perfect wedding are not free of charge, they belong to reputed authors that have put a life long experience in their making. A good site to start with when planning the perfect wedding is where you'll find comprehensive details on the best guides for the big day.
Planning A Wedding To Remember
Most people dream of making their wedding day the happiest one in a life time, but before you're actually there, you'll have to make all the arrangements necessary in order to be 100% satisfied. Planning a wedding to remember is not easy at all, on the contrary, there are so many details to think of and aspects to cover, that you may feel far away from any romantic manifestation. Yet, once you get used to the idea that there's a lot of work involved in planning a wedding to remember, you can move on and actually start to see results. Here are a few tips you may consider when you're planning a wedding to remember, regardless of whether it is yours or someone's dear to you.
First of all, a romantic event of such proportions starts with the least romantic aspect of all. If you're planning a wedding to remember, you'll need to establish your budget first and foremost. Who is to take the financial responsibility? Usually the families of both the bride and the groom make contributions to help their children succeed in planning a wedding to remember. Youl'll have to meet and talk and count what share each can bring. Once you have established the budget, you can then move on planning the wedding to remember. However, if you still don't make ends meet, you'll have to think about other solutions; loans and credit cards are not the best option since they'll delay other plans for you such as buying a house or having children.
If you're planning a wedding to remember, keep in mind the following aspects, so that you don't have a surprise with the final bills. First of all, I should start by telling you that the highest costs are those for the site, rentals, food, beverages and cake. Furthermore, when planning a wedding to remember, you need to alot at least ten percent of the total budget for each of the following: photography, music, flowers and attire. Should you spend more on certain items along the way, you're still on the right track of planning a wedding to remember; you'll just have to spend less in some other part. For instance, if you want a delicious gourmet dinner, you may cut some expenses from the flower arrangements and make the latter simpler.
Moreover, you may be planning a wedding to remember and consider ways to save money at the same time; you'd make a big mistake to think that the two elements exclude each other. First of all, a lovely, yet burgain location would be perfect: it may be a garden, a beach, or some other affordable place. If you're planning a wedding to remember indoors, winter for instance is a less expensive season; try, however to avoid the holidays. The flower arrangements can look gorgeous if you look for those that are in bloom at your wedding time, you'll save some money too. If your idea of planning a wedding to remember includes some great decorations, keep in mind that these come for higher costs than simpler ones.

Planning A Wedding On A Small Budget
Do you want to get married, yet you lack the financial means to throw a big party? Money shouldn't be too big a problem if you're clever enough to start planning a wedding on a small budget. The importance of the event as such doesn't reside in the amount of money you spend for it, but rather on the emotional value it has for those involved. Therefore, start looking for solutions and think of planning a wedding on a small budget. It doesn't take that much time and it can be really fun. What you should know from the beginning is that planning a wedding on a small budget, requires having some trustworthy people around you to help.
When planning a wedding on a small budget the first on the list to cut off the costs are the flowers and transportation. Hiring a luxury lime could be almost out of question, therefore many couples prefer to have it in one venue. Then, planning a wedding on a small budget should also include the moment you organize it. The fall and winter months are less expensive and the costs also vary on whether you have it in mid-week or at the week-end. There is another solution for planning a wedding on a small budget that would drastically reduce costs. I'm talking about a joint-wedding.
The joint-wedding idea when planning a wedding on a small budget, is usually valid when you have some friends who also want to get married. Though you'll have to make some little compromises, such as a limit to the number of invited people or the, this works great for planning a wedding on a small budget. After all, you'll only be paying half the price for the site, music, decorations, flowers and photography, which would highly reduce the general costs. Though you may feel like losing something of the intimacy of this special day, think how original and funny planning a wedding on a small budget could become.
Last but not least, statistics show that when planning a wedding on a small budget, people are very little inclined to reduce the costs of the outfit or the music. These are considered among the most important aspects of the whole event. In the case of planning a wedding on a small budget those who suffer the most are the service suppliers that are cut off the list. Very often they come up with solutions and very valid suggestions that match well with planning a wedding on a small budget. For further resourceful information and lots of tips you may turn to
Planning A Small Wedding
Discretion, minimal organization effort, intimacy and low budget considerations characterize best the need for planning a small wedding. Very many couples have to start preparations on a very low budget and therefore, they would only invite a close group of family and friends to be there with them on the big day. Planning a small wedding diminishes by no means the importance of the event as such, on the contrary, the increased level of intimacy makes it even more romantic for the couple. So, if you're planning a small wedding you'll have to decide on an appropriate location and get to work.
Outdoor premises are very often considered ideal for planning small weddings; you may choose between a beach, a park, a public garden or any other natural site that matches the requirements. Needless to say that, such a location is great for your budget when planning a small wedding. You won't have to bother with too many decorations, since many of them come with the natural surroundings. An arch dripping with flowers is perfect when planning a small wedding and it looks great in photos.
If you're planning a small wedding, it's obvious you want things as simple as possible, for instance the wedding cake may be a delicious combination of your favorite type of dessert. When planning a small wedding the reception meal won't be too sophisticated either, talk to your caterers in advance and decide on which courses to serve and when, since the moment when dinner starts is very important for the guests who may be hungry. There are special precaution measures you should take when planning a small wedding outdoors, for examples you'll have to keep bugs and mosquitoes away. Have someone spray the bushes a day before the wedding for the comfort of your guests.
Planning a small wedding matches very well with the concept of thematic reception party, and many couples consider it a very original idea to follow a specific theme in organization. For very resourceful ideas and general tips on planning a small wedding, have a look at and take advantage of some professional advice for the best solutions to a perfect wedding. Planning a small wedding requires just as much attention as a large one, the only difference is in the costs and the number of guests, but basically you have to deal with the same issues. May you live happily ever after!
Help In Planning A Wedding
Many people consider the wedding one of the biggest events in their lives, which totally justifies the great amount of effort taken to get everything ready. Given the complexity of the event, you'll definitely need help in planning a wedding, be it from professionals or from close friends and family. There is a psychological stress reliever that comes with help in planning a wedding. Once you get it, you no longer need to worry about every detail, and the experience becomes a true delight, and not a burden. The following tips are meant to bring the needed help in planning a wedding that you've been after. Let's proceed!
First of all, don't forget that the entire organization of the event is a big mixture of thorough schemes, fun and frustration, therefore the help you can get in planning a wedding comes as an alleviation of sore issues. Get together with your family and put down all the people you want to invite, then once the guest list is ready, have someone ask for confirmations so that you know almost for sure who is coming and who isn't. This help in planning a wedding is essential since it allows you the time to check other important things. For instance, you need a sample of the wedding invitations, before you give the thumb-up to have them printed.
First of all, don't forget that the entire organization of the event is a big mixture of thorough schemes, fun and frustration, therefore the help you can get in planning a wedding comes as an alleviation of sore issues. Get together with your family and put down all the people you want to invite, then once the guest list is ready, have someone ask for confirmations so that you know almost for sure who is coming and who isn't. This help in planning a wedding is essential since it allows you the time to check other important things. For instance, you need a sample of the wedding invitations, before you give the thumb-up to have them printed.
You may get help in planning the wedding for almost all sorts of activities, for instance if you don't have the time to check the wedding present list, ask a close friend to do it for you. Make sure there are more presents than guests, since it would be really awkward to have the same present from two or three people. Help in planning a wedding may sometimes save very unpleasant situations. For instance, computer files with all the details are a great help in planning a wedding, since you can thus keep track of what has been done or is still in progress.
Knowing the exact details of the photo or video shoots can be of great help in planning a wedding. If you have booked a photographer make sure you send them your requirements and then get some confirmation slip too, eliminating the risk of unclear matters. Don't ever assume, always get everything sorted out and clear. Maps of the church location can also be a great help in planning a wedding, particularly when you want everyone to arrive there on time. Have a look at a site such as to learn more on further help in planning a wedding.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Free Wedding Planning Checklists
Certain items are considered an absolute must-have in a wedding plan, and checklists are simply one of them. For free wedding planning checklists, there are lots of sites on the Internet where you find quick downloads and great tips for the best day of your life. Keep in mind the fact that these free wedding planning checklists could be your best friends for the months and weeks before the big event, since they function as some sort of reminder of what it's left to do. Free wedding planning checklists are usually put together by people who have plenty of experience in the field and have thought of all the possible details.
Once you get your free wedding planning checklists, all you have to do is personalize them according to your ideas. There are many special categories involved in the planning of a wedding, therefore, there are several kinds of free wedding planning checklists you would like to download. For instance the budget tracking free wedding planning checklists are considered the highest in demand since, without proper budget administration, things can easily get out of control. Other categories under which free wedding planning checklists fall are music, photography, ceremony site, reception site, catering, flower decorations and so on.
How come the free wedding planning checklists are actually provided to site users? The answer is simple, the company that provides the free wedding planning checklists is very likely to offer other complete wedding services too, that are obviously fee-based. Therefore, the free wedding planning checklists function as some sort of business promotion. Some of these free wedding planning checklists are only samples of a more complete guide with all the items necessary for a wedding. Thus, unless you're ready to pay, try to find as many free tips as possible.
The most comprehensive free wedding planning checklists are those that address the needs of the couples who start planning their wedding twelve months in advance. Most such free wedding planning checklists are built on sections in reverse chronological order: that is from the moment you start planning to the final days before the wedding. This functions like some sort of general checklists that can be afterwards completed with more detailed and specific free wedding planning checklists. Not only the bride, but the groom and the parents are involved in the complex construction of this exciting project.
Posted by LEC at 7:17 AM
Labels: Checklists
Wedding Planning Books
The large number of wedding planning books that have flooded the market is the speaking proof of the fact that people consider the wedding day the most important moment of their lives and a first official step on the way of making a family. How can wedding planning books actually help you organize the big event? Well, first of all, remember that when you embark on this experience you may know little or nothing at all about what you have to do. Therefore, wedding planning books together with sites such as could be your best friends in terms of support for the big day.
What can one expect from a wedding planning book? First of all, you'll learn lots about the etiquette, you'll find great tips for the before wedding shower as well as information on how to create the perfect ceremony atmosphere. There may be cases when you want to be as original as possible and wedding planning books give you the pieces of the puzzle that may have been missing. For instance, you can organize the ceremony at twenty minutes to six pm, to mark the exact moment when you proposed or were proposed. That should have a nice impact on your guests, together with other tricks you may find in wedding planning books.
There are also common mistakes that you'll find in wedding planning books, hence, you'll know how to avoid some embarrassing situations. Some of the mistakes discussed in wedding planning books may seem common sense, but even for the best educated person, there will still be something further to learn. For instance, the table seating is largely dealt with in wedding planning books, since it is the element around which lots of mistakes are made. Carefully seat the young and the elder relatives and friends, so that they can well communicate and relate to each other. Remember that this is not just a party, but a most important social event for everyone.
Wedding planning books are quite cheap and useful, you can either order them online or buy them at the book shop. A nice and very accessible variant comes with the wedding planning books that can be downloaded from specialized sites; some of them are free of charge, some others require only a few dollars fee. Many of the wedding planning books come together with some extra materials, such as planning sheets and invitation patterns. Also read some reviews before you decide to turn to any of these, so that you make sure you don't waste your money.
Wedding Planning Guide Online
With the Internet providing the most rapid and comprehensive access to information, there's no wonder, couples can find wedding planning guides online as a support for the preparation for the big day. Wedding planning guides online are either completely free or fee-based; but if you decide to pay for one, make sure it is worth the money. Great recommendations for wedding planning guides online can find found at where you can also enjoy tips and professional advice. In fact such information makes the primary matter of a wedding planning guide online.
The big advantage of wedding planning guides online is that they cover all the minute details you may not even have thought of. Hence, you will learn the steps to the preparation of a dream wedding by taking one thing at a time. Most of the wedding planning guides online include checklists of various kinds, that can be downloaded in a matter of minutes. Some of them may require your paying a fee, but it's a very small one. Such checklists included in wedding planning guides online cover every category of items and issues necessary for a wedding. You'll be safe from ceremony location to the bridesmaids gowns.
For instance, though it may sound far-fetched the tips you find in the wedding planning guides online about hiring a photographer are extremely useful. Of course you want the pictures to be perfect and you cannot rely on anyone; first you need to have a look at a portfolio. So, according to any wedding planning guide online, you should contact several photographers and studios, see previous work and find out if you feel comfortable with the person. No wedding planning guide online, nor any other book in the world can point out the right person for you; in books you only find suggestions, then, it's up to you.
Don't think cheap when it comes to photos, this is all that remains when the day is over. Memories are part of a shared family life; therefore, wedding planning guides online advise that at least 15% of the wedding budget should be allotted to photography. Another great part of the wedding planning guides you find online is the possibility to look through the electronic directories and find sites, caterers and even DJs by a simple click of the mouse. Since the Internet is such an information treasure chest, let's not forget to open it from time to time.
Wedding Planning Secrets
Without some wedding planning secrets, you can turn the event supposed to be the happiest in your life into a financial collapse, since the budget may easily look too small for all the expenses your facing. Here are some tricks and wedding planning secrets that you may find useful and easy to apply for the harsh preparation months; try to stay relax and remember why you're doing it after all. Books, women magazines, professional companies and the Internet, all provide plenty of information and wedding planning secrets that can help you enjoy this unique time of your life.
Try to use a wedding planner, and during the negotiations with the suppliers, apply some of the wedding planning secrets found in special guides. Thus you will be able to cut off some expenses; one similar wedding planning secret is not to order a special floral decoration for the registrar's table. Why waste more money on that, when you can very well use the bride's bouquet for the purpose? In the same category of money saving wedding planning secrets falls the use of the same flower arrangements for the ceremony and the reception, all you need to do is have someone help you transfer them.
Bringing your own cake at the reception hall is also very effective, since you are the one to choose how sophisticated that will be. Part of the wedding planning secrets is to set your budget and strictly control it without passing beyond the allotted limit. The table flower arrangements at the reception hall can be very well made of seasonal flowers, which are a lot cheaper. In order to apply this wedding planning secret you'll have to talk to your florist first and get the color and type varieties you need.
Many more wedding planning secrets are available on sites such as that provide professional assistance for perfect ceremonies and receptions. You may find yourself confronted with all sorts of situations, for instance you may have to feed the suppliers; but a good wedding planning secret here is to set a bar meal for them, which is usually cheaper. You don't have to serve the same thing as for your guests. Or in case you'll have small kids around, you'll need some wedding planning secrets to help you get some activity bags that are not very expensive. The Internet should serve the purpose for the matter.
Wedding Planning Tips
Professional wedding planners are a great help and people seek their services on a regular basis, but there are thousands of couples who'd rather see the plan of their wedding unfolding in front of them. Therefore, here are some wedding planning tips that could help you in the effort to make this special day, one great memory. Wedding planning tips are available in dozens of magazines, hundreds of Internet sites, not to mention the many books that were written on the topic. Wedding planning tips are actually the support and the information people need to handle specific aspects associated with their wedding.
Let's take a simple element such as the table seating. Several wedding planning tips recommend that you don't forget you've got several generations to please at such receptions and the elderly take the occasion to socialize with relatives and friends. Another wedding planning tip is to play a variety of music genres, so that everybody gets the chance to dance and have fun. If you're to follow a real wedding planning tip I would highly advise to avoid seating the young at the heart, right next to the music entertainment; this will kind of leave the others out.
Then, when you deal with the reception site, where dinner will also be served, here are some other highly useful wedding planning tips you may consider. Start the line food right away, don't wait too long with many toasts before the meal as such, since most of your guests will have waited for your reception to eat that day. Another related wedding planning tip here regards the table setup. For instance the wedding cake needs a special separate tables You'll also need one for the gifts and another for catered food. Make sure you keep in mind such wedding planning tips, otherwise you may forget important details that could ruin the atmosphere.
One of the most common wedding planning tip you'll find on the Internet is to have all the terms established with the facility administration before hand. You need to know for how long you rent the premises and what the cost for overtime is. You may find great wedding planning tips not only in magazine columns, but on forum posts as well; maybe the best wedding planning tip comes up in a chat room on the Internet, so it's best not to ignore the informative potential provided by other couples in the same situation as you. Have the best of times!
Wedding Planning For Dummies
There are several books available on the Internet that bear include wedding planning for dummies. Beyond the funny reference, we have to admit that wedding planning for dummies materials include all sorts of details that only come to one's mind when one is actually facing a specific situation. You should also expect planning forms and special checklists that can be very helpful to plan a wedding on a strict budget. Most wedding planning for dummies books are great friendly guides that bring tips on how to select invitations, get the most for the paid money and even how to choose the perfect honeymoon.
Co-authored by Marcy Blum and Laura Fisher Kaiser, Wedding Planning for Dummies, has had a huge impact on the market and it is now sold under the form of the second edition. What should you expect from Wedding Planning for Dummies? All the aspects related to the Big Day are tackled with in detail: the guest lists, the cars, the suits, the bridesmaids, the band, the venue and so on. Wedding Planning for Dummies looks like the perfect guide for anyone who wants to see a dream come true. It is actually a door open to the negotiation of all the decisions the future brides and grooms need to take.
A friendly guide such as Wedding Planning for Dummies will save you lots of white nights worrying about what to do next. Therefore, you'll be ready to choose the perfect menu, design very stylish invitations, order the gowns and suits you've always wanted and decide on the place where you want to spend your honeymoon. For a perfect and memorable wedding you should take the time to read at least some of the tips that the Wedding Planning for Dummies brings. You'll learn lots of new stuff, and make the best of times out of the wedding preparations as well.
A variant of the Wedding Planning for Dummies guide, is the DVD series, that takes you step by step through all the important stages of the pre-wedding preparations. Wedding planning for dummies tips and tricks come as one of the best advisor you can have when it comes to getting ready for the big event. There are plenty of other adjacent wedding planning for dummies adjacent materials that are worth taking a look at, so, it's a good idea to run a simple search on the Internet and see the results. Online information keeps your door open to plenty of useful advice. Wedding Planning for Dummies may just be the perfect solution!
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